Thursday, May 17, 2012

Monday Spirit Week

Spirit Week at Southwest High School!

My name is Troy the Trojan and I am going to recap Homecoming, or Spirit week!  This week has started at Southwest High School.  This is my favorite time of the year because there is a lot of school spirit and fun activities.  Last week the teachers handed out a Spirit Week Schedule that highlights the weeks activities.  Everyday is a new dress up day and there is always something to do after school. 

Handout of Spirit Week Activities

Today is Monday and the dress up day for today is Color Day!  Everyday during 3rd hour the teachers tally how many students are dressed up and points are given to the class who has the most people participate.

Freshman wore yellow...

Sophomores wore green...

Juniors wore orange...

and Seniors wore black...

It is always fun to dress up and see what other people are wearing.  The more people who dress up the more fun it is!

Hallway Decorating

Hallway Decorating was tonight after school.  All of the classes were given a hallway to decorate and anyone can stay after school and help their class.  It is always a fun competition to see which class has the best decorated hallway!  Here are some pictures of the work the students did! 

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